Ah it's so comforting to flee back to the refuge of my own Blog, where I can post whatever I want (even if you don't like it) without having to worry about going out of the perimeters of the Blog rules and regulations. Like, I enjoy posting, and I may not always be so....tactful, so I guess having censorship is sort of a good thing.But it can be a bit...startling, to go on the Blog and see that your post has suddenly been edited. Know what I'm saying? Anyway, this is MY Blog, and no one can edit it but ME!!! The fever is gone (rats!) but I still have a pounding headache though. That is still very annoying. I'm not quite sure if I have to do work today, but I think I better, just in case. Because (apparently) my responsibility as a child (grrr, do I SOUND like a child?) is my education. And if I don't get on with it I'll still be studying when I'm 30 years old, and I'll never make anything out of myself. Well, according to my Dad that is. So this is like the place where I post all my thoughts on life, and stuff like that. Who's gonna read it anyways? I don't think any of my family will actually bother to check it. Not that I blame them, I mean I don't exactly, how do say it? Hit it off, with my cousins. I would go into details, about my cousins, but just in case one of my family members actually decides t read this, I shall refrain from uttering another word about my cousins. (For now at least, hehe.) I was just thinking all my depressing thoughts about my youth group. We've been through lots of stuff together, then suddenly my Dad slammed it into my face that we're gonna fall apart. Not because we're a bad group or anything, it just 'cause they're all old. I'm the youngest, in all my circles of friends. So yeah. Like Sam, (One of my youth friends) is 23, in like 2 years he'll go off and get a job, then he'll be too busy. Cheryl, and Pearly, (Two more of my youth) are going to turn 17 next year, so they're gonna leave and go overseas to study, or something like that. Jean & Soon Seng, are 19 and 18, respectively, so in like 2 years, they're going to leave as well. That leave's guess who? All alone? Hmmm? Who?!?! ME!!! ALL ALONE!!!! See? Pretty morbid right? But basically, (and realistically) that's what's gonnna happen. If any of you youth are reading this, don't you agree. I mean, Fabian will get really busy. And who else really bothers to come? Joewin, is 16 next year, he's gonna take his S.A.Ts. so who does that leave. Me!! I can be a one man youth group. Yay!!! Can you imagine me going like, "Lets start worship, is everyone here?" then I run to the other side of the room and scream, "Yeah we're all here!!". Like OMG how pathetic is that? I'll tell you, it's so pathetic, its undescribably pathetic. Which, by the way, is a description, but still, a very undescribable description. I know, I shall...nevermind. My youth group breaking up sucks,
But Hey,
Life's Like That...I know, I know
Yes, but I wont be going to college anytime soon, YOU will, but I won't! This isn't about us disbanding i's about us falling apart! And me being "all by myself, don't wanna be, all by myself"!!!
Grrr, as for God having us all in the palm of His hand, all the better to crush us with, eh?
OMG! OMG! OMG! Then I'll just come to church every Saturday, even when I'm 25 and we can have youth group together! Like just the two of us!
Thursday 31st March 2005
Brother, you like, so sound like Juno. Although it's not scary. I can do it too, and besides, it's you. And I'll say it for Jared. You don't even know where you'll be at 25.
Anyway, Sam, Jared, let me make this clear to ALL of you (and whosoever else reads this in the future). WE ARE NEVER GONNA DISBAND OR BREAK OR FALL APART!!!! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!?!??!???
Why I ought ta slap and strangle you bunch. There is NO good enough reason to disband, break apart, or fall away. The only other options is we will change, merge, or transform into something else.
And by the way Sam, I think you meant Rowan and Jason. Not Rowan and Soon Seng. And do any of you not remember the promise made to Colin (Even though you were not the ones who made it)!?!?!??!?!?!?! Youth WILL be three times bigger by the time he comes back. Oh ye of little faith. So prove the last sentence I just typed before this one wrong. *Breathe out* *Breathe in* There. Done.
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