Mildly Pissed Off...
Well, I'm only mildly annoyed at the FEDS this time. Not much to say. That'll come at the end. First, I shall rant and rave about my "friends" if you choose to call them such.
So, this is to you, Ian: What in the HELL of it, gives you the right to say a damn thing about my mother? Hmm? Come on you FAT pansy. Tell me. Is it the fact that you're so rich you can buy off your friends to keep my mouth shut? Is it because you're a mentally retarded piece of crap who's neglected at home? Is that it? For a few years now we've been living under this false pretence that you're my BEST FRIEND. Okay, back up about two years I think. You know, I don't think you REALLY want me as your friend. No, seriously. I don't. Because if you REALLY wanted me as your friend, you wouldn't be such a bloody ass to me all the time. Oh, I know, you're an ass to everyone. Small wonder your friends whisper about you behind your back isn't it? No, I'm serious. I KNOW a few of your friends. And guess what, they ALL hate you. Me? No, I don't hate you. I LOATHE you. You see, you know, when you see an insect on the ground struggling to fly? Do you stop to think, "I hate insects?" Nope. It's because you're on a whole different level. Well, that's how I see you. Conceited? Maybe. Not as much as you, that's for damn sure.
As to my sad life? Well, maybe it is. But at least I don't drag other people down with me into MY pit. Unlike YOU who try your best to drag EVERYONE you know down into that cesspool you call a life. Ain't I right? You just can't BEAR to see people who are happy with what they have, can you? Too freaking bad. Because I am.
Oh, and before you ask, yes. I do remember almost every single insult you hurl at me. They're part of an ever growing file titled "Reasons to Loathe Ian. " Yeah, I'm just being a smartass. But hey. What do you care? I'm a poor, sheltered, kid, I mean, doormat. Aren't I right? Heh. Two words for you mate.
So, Aron: What to say to you? There's a lot. Not as much as Ian's, but let's see what I can do.
So, this is just basically me bitching about what lousy friends you are. So don't take it personally, yeah? You two probably will never find this anyways. But here I go. You don't respect me, you don't respect my family. You PRETEND our friendship means something by continually insulting Ian to me, thinking that's what I wanna hear. But I think it's a case of the "Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?" In this case, probably not.
Seriously. Dude, come back when you GROW up. I bet if you're reading this you're smirking to yourself, or getting all riled up, thinking what a fucking little prick I am. Well, maybe you're right. Or is it just that I fight with my words instead of my fists? Can't hack it? What? You thought I was some pushover you could throw around forever? Heh. You keep thinking that.
Am I being oversensitive? Probably. Overreacting? Probably. Melodramatic? Probably. But you think about what I've written. Yeah? Cause YOU know it's true. EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.
Okay, Parents: No major raving. Just basically that, when I have a problem? I KNOW I have a problem. At the point in time when I'm still rather emotional over it, I don't need to be told that the problem is ALL MY FAULT, and that I was stupid, and also, the most obvious thing, that I have a problem. I KNOW THAT.
When I'm still emotional YOUR job, is to be supportive, smile, and tell me we'll talk about it later. As in when I'm NOT emotional? Yeah? Other than that, no big.
So, I think I'm done for now. Friends, gah. Some friend's I've got,
But Hey,
Life's Like That...Full of betrayal, backstabbing, and retards? Yeah.
*Nods head*
Uh huh.
Some friends huh?
As for the betrayal, backstabbing, and retards? Lol. Yeah, you get used to it. Especially in academic life.
Imagine what the work place will be like. Lol.
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