Some Random Works of What Might Be Called Art...
Well! Hello my dears! Avid readers, friends, family, acquaintances, weirdos, pedophiles and perverts! Hehe. (Hey, you never know who might be reading, gotta make 'em all feel welcome.) It HAS been awhile since my last update, hasn't it? Well, one of my good friends (and by "good friend" I mean a girl I've known for about two months, maybe three,) has convinced me that I need to update this thing rather more regularly. And I suppose I'm compelled to agree.
I mean, since my Blog URL is being posted all over the place, (WITHOUT my permission, I may add, though I'm not complaining for the added publicity!) SOMEONE'S gonne be reading this, right? If you do you better comment I tell you! But this is mostly for the PHYW who have been anxiously returning to my Blog and refreshing the page thirty times an hour trying to will it to update. Don't deny it! I know you're out there! Poor, sad people. But ANYWAY. Since you all like writing. I figured I'd post up links to some of my writings here. They ARE fanfictions so I don't own any of the characters. Except the few I invented, because I can and I think they're way cooler than the Canon characters. But here we go! My first link post!
The following links are to an ongoing Fanfiction that I'm writing, based on characters from the Cult Playstation game (Hey, cult movie, cult game, it works!) Legend of Dragoon, henceforth known as LOD. It's called "The New Threat" for those who have never HEARD of LOD, let alone played it, I will include a brief overview of the game's story after the links. But be warned, if you were planning to go out and buy the game the second I mentioned it, (I KNOW you were DYING to do just that) and you don't like spoilers, I suggest you scroll really fast and don't read it. As I will reveal the end of the game and whatnot.
Yes, I realise the Chapter titles may be a bit melodramatic, and there are probably a few plot-holes big enough for an elephant, and my character development is a little shoddy. But please, bear with me. The plot is actually rather good. And my fight scene's are fun, too. ^_^
Part I - Lloyd Returns
Part II - Darkness & Wind
Part III - Romance
Part IV - Death
Part V - Ressurection
Part VI - Rest?
Part VII - Betrayal
Part VIII - The Threat Revealed
Y'know, on second thought. I've decided. I'm not wasting my time writing out a whole summary. You can get pretty much the whole story HERE. Enjoy reading it. And no chance of accidentally reading it if you're planning to buy the game, too. Ain't I so polite?
Also, if you'd like to see pictures of most of the Characters mentioned, since Wiki is sadly lacking in them. You can find loads HERE. Wiki should provide accurate anough descriptions so you can tell who they are. The only one's they might not have are Lloyd, Albert, Haschel, Kongol, and Meru. So if you REALLY want them, comment and I'll e-mail them to you. ^_^
ANYWAY. The next Fanfic is a one shot, or maybe not, but anyway. this is and Alternate Universe Star Wars fanfic. Set after Episode III. But it's MEGA AU, you'll see. It needs no such introduction, as LOD, right? Enjoy!
Anakin's Back!
Well, that's all of it. And here's one of my most recent poems. Just one! Hope you like it. Yes, I realise I'm a rather emo poet. But CONSTRUCTIVE Criticism is always welcome! Thanks you, velly much! By the way, it's free-verse, and what you might call a "Christian" poem. I mention God. My beliefs and things. Have fun anyway.
How to fly? We ask ourselves,
Our wings are broken,
Our hearts weak,
Our spirits crushed,
We look around,
And all we see is others like us,
Eyes hollow, hearts shattered,
Will vanished,
But then, before us a light shines,
Bursting forth blinding us,
We open our eyes,
And we see,
His glory spread before us,
Hand stretched out,
Welcoming us home,
Saying, “Come my child,”
Reaching out, we touch him,
And our cares fade away,
Troubles fall to the dust,
In the presence of our Lord,
And we fall to our knees,
In adoration,
As we worship him,
Well I hope that was worth the wait, Emily! And to all you others who bother to read me inarticulate, and sometimes scary writings! I salute you! And remember,
Life's Like That...Got it?
P.S. I did not spell-check this post as a certain SOMEONE (Yes you Emily) was pressuring me to get it done. So please forgive my no doubt, numerous spelling errors.
Good job on the fanfics, bro! You've got a talent in becoming the next great author!
Have you heard of MPH's Search for Young Writers? The contest is over already but there's always NEXT year! But I'm just gonna give you the link anyways to this year's contest so you'll know what it is all about-->
I'm glad to see that you're doing well. Hope to meet you again someday. Take care and love ya lots!
I confess.. Yes I was one of those who went to your blog and found that there was nothing new. So, i refreshed, clicked 'back' then clicked the link again.
Then the next day i came here again. But to my dismay, there was nothing new. Again.
So thank goodness! You're blog has been updated!
BTW, this is kimberly.. remember me?? from the phases camp.. remember me? :D
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