Quit Screwing Around...
<>Okay, so MY Blog, MY feelings. You don't like what you're reading, then sod off and stop reading it. You'll save yourself the grief, and you'll save me the aggravation. It's win win.
Now that that's over with, let me begin by saying. I despise holier-than-thou, high-and-mighty- pompous adults. I really do. Now, if they're complete imbeciles within the areas that they're allowed to be, then fine. I can understand that. I mean, okay, if they OWN the damn place they can do whatever the hell they want. I can handle it there. Because I know when I'm dealt a losing hand. So I'll be their lackey, their little mindless drone.
But I absolutely CANNOT stand it when they screw around with my home life. What I do OUTSIDE their bloody college is NONE of their freaking business. Is it? NO it isn't. So what the hell gives them the right to barge into MY private life and screw around with it as if it's their private trampoline? Hmm? Really, I'm a hair's breadth away from breaking. And if they think, "OMFG! Jared's a loose cannon! He's a rebel without a cause! He's so rebellious! We need to do something!" Well, just wait until I snap. I'll give them the best show they've ever seen.
I mean seriously, what the hell? It's not like they invest any time into my life, apart from mindless propaganda sessions every morning. It's not like they care at all, apart from gleaning old failings that I've experienced to spread around and use against me. So WHAT THE HELL gives the, the right to say a damn thing about my private life, hmm?
"Oh my god! You like Jern-yi! The two of you are gonna run off to quiet corners and have SEX! You needa be kept apart! Saved from yourselves! Trust us! You'll thank us in the future!" Some people should go screw themselves. You know I really don't mind if they were nice about it, if they actually showed some common decency, or at least COMMON SENSE. Because, I don't run off to quiet corners and rape young, innocent girls, DESPITE public opinion.
"But you were involved in PORN!" Oh really? Was I now? No shit, Sherlock. Guess you missed the keyword, WERE. As in, in the past, as in, a LONG FREAKING TIME AGO. People aren't actually always in bondage to past actions. But trying to shackle them down, and "OMFG Hold him accountable for his past sins!" Is really bloody stupid. Firstly, who do they think they are, GOD? What the hell?
In short, they piss me off, they piss my dad off, they piss EVERYONE OFF. If you're reading this, or hearing about it, you know who you are. If you know me, you know who I'm talking about. And I have to say, I'm entirely sick of this shit. So tired of it. Someone really needs to die. And I'm not talking about me.
If you agree with adults. Guess what? I don't give a flying fuck what you think. Because, hey, you're not me. You don't live my life, you don't have my decisions to make. So don't go all holier-than-thou on me. Go grow a brain, then by the user's manual so that you can figure out how to USE it.
Geez. Sorry guys. Pet sisters, good friends, family. I'm sorry, you know me. I don't swear all that much, but this guy pisses me off to no end.
But Hey,
Life's Like That... Full of pricks like him? You bet...
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