Life's Like That...


Monday, July 25, 2005

New Post....

New post on my Blog, read it and you'll know what to pray for. Yes scary,
But Hey,
Life's Like That... D:

What The Hell??!?!

Ok, what the hell is happening to my family. My mum and sister just had a screaming match and are now both crying. It's all my sister's fault she's the idiot who didn't do her schoolwork and lied about it for more than a month. All this is seriously screwed up. Now, I don't usually swear but I really want to now. My sister if fricking insane if she thought she wasn't going to get caught. Gaahh!!! There is just no way to show my proper emotion without swearing on this Blog post. I won't swear but this is so ****ing ****ed up!!! What the **** was my sister thinking. So my mum was going to cane her, anyone who reads this from places where children can sue their parents for this, it's perfectly legal in Malaysia. But she couldn't find the cane, so she took out a belt and my sister totally freaked out and ran to her room. I gave my mum the can to avoid the screams of my sis if she got hit by the belt, then she called my sis out of her room. about 10 seconds later my sis goes and runs into her room again, and it's now my mum's turn to freak out, slamming the door with the cane and what not. does this give you a clear outline of how fricking screwed up the last few moments were? I badly want to hit something, I'm so...whatever this is just to ****ing screwed up. Mum & Dad if you're reading this pardon the language everyone needs a vent for their emotions right? At least I don't go around hitting things or thrashing the house. I seriously cannot believe this is happening. I'm gonna end this here and find some way to release my emotions without destroting anything...
Life's NOT Like That....This is too screwed up to be a part of normal life...