Life's Like That...


Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Yeah, I'm shutting down this Blog and shifting everything I write over to: THIS BLOG It's friends only. Which means you have to go to, start and account, and then add me as a friend to be able to read the posts I make. So you people who hate this Blog go throw a party, whoo.

Sorry to inconvenience the people who read this Blog, but I feel that this is necessary.
That is all,

Monday, November 20, 2006

Quit Screwing Around...

<>Okay, so MY Blog, MY feelings. You don't like what you're reading, then sod off and stop reading it. You'll save yourself the grief, and you'll save me the aggravation. It's win win.

Now that that's over with, let me begin by saying. I despise holier-than-thou, high-and-mighty- pompous adults. I really do. Now, if they're complete imbeciles within the areas that they're allowed to be, then fine. I can understand that. I mean, okay, if they OWN the damn place they can do whatever the hell they want. I can handle it there. Because I know when I'm dealt a losing hand. So I'll be their lackey, their little mindless drone.

But I absolutely CANNOT stand it when they screw around with my home life. What I do OUTSIDE their bloody college is NONE of their freaking business. Is it? NO it isn't. So what the hell gives them the right to barge into MY private life and screw around with it as if it's their private trampoline? Hmm? Really, I'm a hair's breadth away from breaking. And if they think, "OMFG! Jared's a loose cannon! He's a rebel without a cause! He's so rebellious! We need to do something!" Well, just wait until I snap. I'll give them the best show they've ever seen.

I mean seriously, what the hell? It's not like they invest any time into my life, apart from mindless propaganda sessions every morning. It's not like they care at all, apart from gleaning old failings that I've experienced to spread around and use against me. So WHAT THE HELL gives the, the right to say a damn thing about my private life, hmm?

"Oh my god! You like Jern-yi! The two of you are gonna run off to quiet corners and have SEX! You needa be kept apart! Saved from yourselves! Trust us! You'll thank us in the future!" Some people should go screw themselves. You know I really don't mind if they were nice about it, if they actually showed some common decency, or at least COMMON SENSE. Because, I don't run off to quiet corners and rape young, innocent girls, DESPITE public opinion.

"But you were involved in PORN!" Oh really? Was I now? No shit, Sherlock. Guess you missed the keyword, WERE. As in, in the past, as in, a LONG FREAKING TIME AGO. People aren't actually always in bondage to past actions. But trying to shackle them down, and "OMFG Hold him accountable for his past sins!" Is really bloody stupid. Firstly, who do they think they are, GOD? What the hell?

In short, they piss me off, they piss my dad off, they piss EVERYONE OFF. If you're reading this, or hearing about it, you know who you are. If you know me, you know who I'm talking about. And I have to say, I'm entirely sick of this shit. So tired of it. Someone really needs to die. And I'm not talking about me.

If you agree with adults. Guess what? I don't give a flying fuck what you think. Because, hey, you're not me. You don't live my life, you don't have my decisions to make. So don't go all holier-than-thou on me. Go grow a brain, then by the user's manual so that you can figure out how to USE it.

Geez. Sorry guys. Pet sisters, good friends, family. I'm sorry, you know me. I don't swear all that much, but this guy pisses me off to no end.
But Hey,
Life's Like That... Full of pricks like him? You bet...

P.S. I’m sorry family and friends. But to all you adults: FUCK YOU, GO TO HELL.<>

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Excuses, Excuses...

"I really don't think that being a teenager is an excuse for angst, rants, anger, or pent-up frustrations that just boil over into your blog. Everybody feels that. Even those pesky adults. They're just better at dealing with them."


"You have the weirdest blog I've ever read....No offense."

Is it just me, or do these...uh...not exactly put you in the best mood. But whatever, I've been told to keep my emotions off my Blog, so from now on it shall become a boring piece of crap which relates my everyday life, as if people actually care what I eat for breakfast. So let me sample this new form. But before I do, I'm going to quote one of my American friends, who actually knows me quite well, and her reaction to these comments when I told her.

"Would you rather we ranted on the OMGSERIOUS Interwebz, or went and beat the living shit out of the people we're angry at?" - Caity-Cat

Well, shall we begin? Here, see how ya'll like this one. This is for all you people who dislike me using MY Blog to tell you how I feel, but still insist on reading it. JUST to oblige you, here we go.

Well, today I woke up at 7am, but I didn't get out of bed until 8am because I'm a lazy bum, and I don't have to leave for college until 9:30am anyway. Well, I got my lazy butt out of bed at 8am and took a shower. I took about 15 minutes, then I brushed my teeth. After that, I went into my room to put on my clothes, that took five minutes.

When I came out of my room, I put on my socks and shoes which took about three minutes, then my mom asked me to hang out the clothes. So I did that, which took about 15 minutes. After that she forced me to drink some weird drink and eat breakfast. Then she took me to college. On the way, we picked up my friend Shen, he always says good morning when he steps into the car and sometimes I don't say good morning because I'm in a bad mood. Well this morning I was stressing over the economics exam that was coming up, so I didn't say good morning back.

Anyway we got to college. And we were early. Usually my dad takes me and he takes quite a long time to shower so I'm usually late, but today my took me so I was the second earliest. My classmate Daniel goes at 9am so he's always the earliest. Anyway, Shen and I sat down and waited for the class to start. At around 10:20am, Ian, another classmate led worship, because we're run as a Christian college even though they profess we're not a Christian college. And that annoys me, but oh wait, those are feelings sorry.

Anyway, we agonized on for about an hour through the economics lecture, then our lecturer cut the lesson short and gave us an extra hour to revise our notes before the exam. At 12:30pm sharp, we went for lunch. The others went out, but I snuck off to study. Everyone thinks that I sneak off with my sort-of-sweetheart, but OMG guess what, just because we go out at the same time doesn't mean we're sneaking off together. Though the fact that they think we HAVE to hide is pretty stupid isn't it?

Anyway, I studied through lunch, and didn't eat. Then, when Ian called me, at 1:45pm, I went straight back to take the exam. For the exam, I sat down for two and a half hours and answered four essay questions which were easy because I burned out my brain studying. After that I couldn't talk about anything else except economics for close to an hour.

My mom picked me up at 5pm and I came home. Once I got home, I started folding clothes, and watching TV at the same time. Half way through I had dinner, then I went back to finish folding the clothes. Then my pet sister began to talk to me on my PC so I got on to help her because she was upset. While doing that, I checked my Blog for comments and had my wonderful day ruined.

So, how was that? Much better than my emo angst or what? Adults handle it better, yeah, maybe but you know why? Because they don't have to deal with THEMSELVES. And the teenagers who don't agree with me. Well, whoop-dee-doo for you. Go on, run me down some more, call me more names, I can take it, and it'll make you feel SO much better won't it? I'm easy, take your best shots.

I don't know why I bother fighting for you. I really don't I need to get my head examined. But anyway, you're probably going, "I never ASKED you to fight for me. I don't NEED you." And guess what, GOOD. I hope you all get screwed over by the adults you're so fond of. From now on I'm fighting for ME and MINE.

But Hey,
Life's Like That... Yeah, I KNOW...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

No Day Like It...

Well, it would seem that I've seriously taken up the hobby of blogging. Though I don't really talk much about my life. Or experiences or anything. And I don't go like, "Oh, today I did this, and it was, blah blah blah...." It's quite boring I find. I'm more the deep kind. Labeled by some, Emo. It's really very tiresome, and aggravating at times. But I suppose, my readers, or the three that I can think of, anyway will get bored of my constant philisophical ravings.

Well, today's Sunday. My dad preached in church today. About "Being in Your Garden" basically it's about knowing that where you are is where God placed you. It really centered around vocation and life decisions, but it was comforting in some small way. Maybe God chose for me to be in this hell of a college. For a specific purpose. Whether it be to toughen me, teach me patience, or just show some people they're not as smart as they think, I don't know. But there's still a reason, and that's very comforting.

Of course, there are always things to worry about, so many things to consider before knowing that that's where I'm placed. But still, knowing that there might be a reason is still a comfort. I don't know if that made any sense, but I'm always priding myself on being weird, so I suppose it doesn't mater either way, does it?

I'm almost hyper now, actually. It's quite a contrast from last night's angst isn't it? That's just how I am, I've learned. I can't stay down, which is a good thing, I guess because there's so much that'll get me down. They all seem to come in an unending phalanx, wave after wave, with only a few breaks between them. If I stayed down during the breaks, I'd be down ALL the time. When one of these breaks comes along I just gotta grab it with both hands and make sure it doesn't get away, hmm?

Really though, I feel very encouraged, it's good because it's like I have new strength. I feel like I could fight on forever. It's a great feeling.

I could go on forever, but my chat's are overflowing. I have friends. Eh heh. It's easy to forget sometimes, isn' t it?
But Hey,
Life's Like That...Oh yes, most certainly...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Looking Before I Leap...

WELL, hello hello again. I was greatly surprised a few moments ago, almost humbled actually, that people actually read my Blog and bother to comment. Not that I'd advertise it, seeing as most of the time it's an outlet for ranting at the indiscretions of other individuals who've, at that point in time, had the bad luck to invoke my ever vigilant wrath.

Well, the time come in the life of almost every teenager, I think, when he's forced to do some introspection, some soul-searching, if you will. And I find that when I do it, I don't totally like what I see. Of course, I AM very fond of myself, sometimes, as you've probably noticed, almost full of myself. And yet, I cannot banish the feeling of doubt that I find myself experiencing when I turn introspective.

We all have regrets, it's true isn't it. And I like any normal person have my own. But the question that I find myself plagued with recently is, am I a coward? Sure I wouldn't back down in a fight, even if I was fighting for the wrong reason. And I'd give anything to protect the people I love. (As much as I moan about her my sister is one of them.) But the courage I'm talking about is rather different.

The courage I'm talking about, is the courage to stand up for what I believe in. The courage to speak my mind when I feel that a wrong has been committed. Sure I rant about them all the time, but like Lycaphim said in one of his comments I haven't actually DONE anything about it, and I find myself questioning my reasons. I used to think that, I wasn't saying anything so that I wouldn't waste my parents money and get kicked out of college. Because if I did say something I'd be making a grand speech, using words that, might not be approved of in trying to expose the perverseness of adults. Then I rationalized, that, I'd be wasting my breath saying anything at all since I'm an object of seemingly no consequence in this world, not to mention that college.

Now I find myself in question. As Linkin Park sing. Guilty be association. Association with, ironically enough, myself. And a name that I formerly held on to. A reputation, actually. See, sometime during the first semester of college, I gained the reputation of a rebel. A rebel without a cause, to some. But the cause is quite obvious to me. My brothers, and sisters by age. The class that the world has labeled "teenagers" we're being oppressed. No, I'm not being melodramatic my friend. It's the hard, cold, ugly, truth. We're being oppressed, slowly but surely, because it's been dictated by society, that because of our age, and because "our bodies are changing, hormones have come into play" we're not in possession of our mental facilities. In short, the adults think we're idiots. Stupid pieces of manflesh with no form of coherent thought other than, "OHMYGOD (Insert name of some band here) IS COMING!!" or, "My parents suck...Kill me now." or, "I hate my college, I'm just rebellious because I can be. Who says I need a cause." Among a whole hoard of other phrases that we've come to be associated with.

I don't blame you adults. Not that much anyway. I know why you do it. It's simply because, you don't know any better. Like a dog that urinates on a guest's shoe. You simply don't know any better. It's just what has been passed down to you by your forebears. Maybe I'll become like you someday. I hope that God gives me to grace not to, but maybe I will. If that day come I'll hate myself. Because I right now? I hate you. All you adults out there, you adults who treat us teenagers like irresponsible rabble who are wasting our lives away doing the things we happen to love.

It's really not your fault, and I know I shouldn't, and I'm sorry, but with all I have inside me, I hate you. It makes me ugly, ties me up in little knots, tears me up from inside. And it's probably the reason I have all these damn pimples, but I can't help it. I utterly hate you all. The reason for it is simple, really. Because of you, I'm an outcast. I don't even fit in with my own kind. The teenagers I try so hard to protect. My brothers and sisters whose rights I'm fighting for right now. I don't fit in anywhere, all thanks to you. You've molded me into what I am. All I can do is hate, and all I hate is you. Because you made me ugly. You've turned me into someone even my own friends ridicule. Names like Captain Emo, you don't know how they hurt, DO YOU?

But in truth, I'm tired. Really, I am. I thought if I made myself strong inside, hardened my heart against everything you could throw at me, I could win. Because no matter what you couldn't hurt me. But no, I'm not strong enough. And I can't take it. I'd like to say you all win, just give up and let you trample me. Drown out my inconsequential voice in the din of your disapproval. But I know that I was made for this. That as long as I am a teenager, and as long as I am alive, I'll fight people like you, until you all either accept my kind, disappear, or I die.

I can't even love properly because of you. Do you know that? I tell someone I love her with all my heart, but even as I say it, I question myself. Because the only feeling I know for sure is this burning hatred, and I can't let it go. I don't know what love really feels like, because no matter how strong my love is, it's always over-shadowed by hatred. You keep us apart, don't think I don't know. I've had THREE relationships, and in all of them, the common denominator was that I was kept apart from them because of adults. You think just because we're young we're not capable of feeling things for real, and knowing it? You think we're not human like you. That tearing us apart doesn't hurt?

Let me ask you, all adults reading this, if any do. If someone came into your house and took away your spouse, or your boyfriend/girlfriend, and kept them away from you, allowing you to see them for perhaps, half an hour every seven days. How would you feel? Could you survive? Could you stand the anguish? This is assuming you love your spouse/romantic partner.

Teenagers have feelings too. We're just better at hiding them. Okay, sure you can tell what we're feeling. But you don't know the depth of it, do you?

The saddest thing is? You've succeeded at tearing us teenagers apart. There are those who are reading this now and probably going, "What kind of crap is this guys spouting." I don't doubt it. There may be a few who agree with me. Maybe. But who will stand beside me? No one.

Teenagers. All you others out there who choke on your tears at night. Who question yourself over and over again. I salute you. I'm one of you. And I tell you all, I love each and every one of you. And I wish you all the best. Keep fighting. Okay, sentimental mode: off.

Well, I suppose I'll end here, God knows, this post is long enough already without me emoing some more. But before I go, I've realized. Adults? Thank you. Thank you for making me stronger, for giving me the strength I need and hardening my resolve. You've armed me with the best weapons I could ever ask for to fight you. And that's what I thank you for. Outside I obey you. But know, that inside I hate you. And I fight you all the way. I'm but a teenager, and I don't matter,
But Hey,
Life's Like That....Nobody said it would be a walk in the park...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sick of This Crap...

Ya know, I don't think I've ever ranted about my college here, before. It's really funny, because, for the past six months, I've been spending three days a week in that hellhole that they somehow have the nerve to call "Excel College of Further and Higher Education." Or some crap along those lines. Maybe it's just me, but when the dean screws around with your personal life, the lecturer says on a daily basis, "I don't care," when asked to lighten your workload of TWO REPORTS A WEEK, and the whole atmosphere is more one of a prison than a college, it doesn't really reflect well on a learning institution.

Really, I don't have a problem with what I'm learning at all, none whatsoever. What I DO have a problem with, is that the second you step inside that HELL, the staff suddenly decide, "Hey! Your personal life is our playground!" Not that they'd ever admit to a vendetta against two stupid students which is secretly being manipulated from behind the scenes by a malicious parent. What does MY personal life, OUTSIDE your stupid college, have ANYTHING to do with you? Leave me ALONE.

I realize I may not be your best student, I may also not have the best reputation around. But you really think I don't NOTICE when there's a vendetta against me? You think I'm STUPID? What is wrong with you?! Geez, sometimes I think I give adults WAY to much credit. I expect them to be smart, I expect them to know right from wrong, I expect them to stick to their word. Because, HEY ADULTS! Guess what?! Us "immature teenagers" actually know how to do all that! WOW, shocker, huh? Well what is about to follow are the things I want to say to two of the members of staff at the Hellhole, oops, I mean college.

Dear Mr. Dean,
You are a sad, pathetic, useless excuse for a man. You suck at your job. And you're obviously a deeply neurotic and emotionally unstable kind of guy. Heck, your family is practically being held together by your WIFE anyway. You have NO idea how to run your own college, and you make the students there either despise you, loathe you, hate you, or laugh at you. Sure maybe the adult students, that's the market you're catering for isn't it? Maybe they respect you, to a certain extent. Or maybe they pretend to at least. But us kids? You actually have to EARN our trust and respect, etc.

My sincerest wish for you, "sir" is that someday, someone will come and open your eyes and show you that, OMG! The world isn't one big church! And I hope it breaks you. Just like you're trying to break us with your stupid propaganda sessions every morning. I hope it breaks you beyond all repair.
Yours, But only just,
Jared Locke

Dear Ms. Lecturer,

You know, I once thought you weren't like the other adults in the college. I once thought that you had some semblance of memory as to what it's like to be my age. After only about one month back with you? I've learned something, I thought wrong. You are an arrogant, opinionated, and all around nasty piece of work. You disrespect us and degrade us in any way you see fit and expect me to kow tow to you like some scared peasant under the Nazis? Like hell. You see, I may not exactly be your favorite student, and I may not be the one getting distinctions on all the exams unlike your "Angel." However, I'm also not your punching bag, neither am I an outlet for your fantasies about England. So PLEASE do your JOB and start teaching ECONOMICS, instead of going off on everything under the sun during the lecture time. My parent's aren't paying literally THOUSANDS of dollars for me to go to college to listen to an hour of you anecdotes about life in England, or discuss why you think our government is stupid because they put a monopoly on our sugar, or whether you think the "Ant" talks too much or not.

My sincerest wish for YOU Ms. Lecturer. Is that you either get FIRED, or that you actually learn how to shut up. Because frankly? I'm sick of your stupid stories about England. If you like it so much GO BACK. Leave me alone. I'm sure I'd enjoy the place more if you were gone. Mm'kay?

No love whatsoever,


Okay, well, I think that's enough for today. I feel a little better. Maybe I'll go hit the punching bag in the gym for a bit. I always feel better after that. And NO, I do not have an anger problem. Thanks anyway. I simply resent that adults can spew crap about things that they themselves don't practice.

But Hey,
Life's Like That...And boy am I SICK of it,