Life's Like That...


Thursday, March 31, 2005


Like OMG!!! I finally finished my schoolwork. Is it still called schoolwork even if I don't go to school? I think it is. Oh, did any of you people who read my Blog know that I'm homeschooling and not going to school? I must have forgotten to mention it. Does it really matter? Did you know we (as in me and my youth) had strangers reading our blog? They even posted comments that were like, taken totally out of context. I mean Jesus said to love thy neighbour as thyself, but did he say to love the gay people? Yes he did, but he said that we are to abhor their sins. Or something like that right? Yup, checked it out, Leviticus 20:13. I ain't gonna copy it down, read it up. I have to go and reply to that lady's comment on our Blog, I'm gonna post again after I'm done. I gotta beat the YinC Blog in the number of posts. Hehe.
But Hey,
Life's Like That...

Home Alone...

I am home alone, my Mum went out to run some errands, (this ia an edit, i was threatened with bodily harm if I did not edit this) my Dad's in Singapore, and both my sisters went with my Mum, so I'm home alone. I hope some idiot robbers don't try doing stupid things to get into my apartment. It would be so...degrading, just watching them. Yeah so anyways, I have not started any of my work, which I have to finish, so that my Mum can drag me out grocery shopping. I like writing long posts, but they tend to take me ages, because I have to keep stopping to think of what to write about next. Strange that I have to think about what to write about, when I'm talking I don't have to do that, but when I'm writing I do, how utterly fascinating. I may have to kepp this post rather short because I haven't done anything yet today, except wake up and sweep the house, and clear the rubbish, and have breakfast. Ok so I HAVE DONE something, but I haven't ACCOMPLISHED anything, get what I mean? There's a difference you know? I hate maths, who else hates maths? Please raise your hands, and whoever doesn't hate maths...please raise your hands as well. Thank you. Did you raise your hands? Of course you did. I have free reign of the house, how fun, I'm currently blasting my Simple Plan music, although they don't sound as good when you blast their slow songs. their fast depressing songs are much better for blasting. Ever noticed that? Oh, I forgot that only Sam, Jean, And Soon Seng read my Blog, and none of them are...too keen on Simple Plan music. Oh well, *Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Sigh* doesn't matter, they shall all go off to college and work and, stuff and I shall be my one man youth group. COOL!!! I can bring Simple Plan music and blast it in church!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You should have seen your faces!! Priceless! Like OMG, I still got it!!! Who's da Master?!?!?! ME!!!! Du'h!!! Like, abaden!!! I shall remain undefeated, FOREVER!!! Until I die that is. I'm gonna post again here tonight anyways, so why am I wasting my time now? Like OMG!!
But Hey,
Life's Like That....
HAHAHAHA!!! Gotcha!! You didn't think I was really gonna finish so fast, did you? *Sigh* I'm so disappionted, my own friends, *Sigh*
But Hey,
Life's Like That...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that yesterday was Ian's (another one of my youth) birthday. Sam, Soon Seng, Jean, Jean,(not a typo, we have two Jeans in our youth) and I planned a surprise, thing for him today. We dragged him out of bed, and all the way to prayer meeting. His mum actually turned back on the way to church to unground him and bring him. The expression on his face was so funny. When he got there you couldn't tell whether he was angry, confused, sleepy, or all three. Priceless. So anyway, prayer meeting was great. Which is ironic, coming from me, because I used to hate prayer meeting. Too slow moving, too booooooooring!!!!! Anyway, I kinda like it now, which is also kind of ironic, but the reason for that I will keep a secret to my grave, hehe. Unless I somehow decide to tell someone, but it would depend on who that someone is, hehe. I gotta get to sleep, by 11:30 p.m so that i can wake up @ 7 a.m. I also have to swallow tonnnes of supplements now. If I put them all in my mouth at once I'd choke before I could swallow them. It's funny, I'm online with Sam right now on MSN Messenger, and we're disscussing Soon Seng's love of frogs. How interesting. Frogs are pretty cool though, even if they are pretty low down on the food chain. Not feeling so deranged today. More...insane, you know, bug-eyed-freak kind of insane? Yeah, that kind. It's so much fun being abnormal, you stick out of a crowd like a sore thumb. But, if you're a good actor (like me, hehehe) you can ACT normal, you may be freakishly abnormal, but you can ACT normal, it's pretty cool, being able to stick out when you want to, and not sticking out when you don't. But, it''s rather ironic, how you can be the greatest actor OFFSTAGE and mask your true personality from everyone, but the second you get up to act onstage you kinda suck. My eyes are tired, and I'm gonna post again tomorrow anyways (I hope) so will write again tommorow. If I don't, too bad,
But Hey,
Life's Like That...Yes, It most certainly is.


Ah it's so comforting to flee back to the refuge of my own Blog, where I can post whatever I want (even if you don't like it) without having to worry about going out of the perimeters of the Blog rules and regulations. Like, I enjoy posting, and I may not always be so....tactful, so I guess having censorship is sort of a good thing.But it can be a bit...startling, to go on the Blog and see that your post has suddenly been edited. Know what I'm saying? Anyway, this is MY Blog, and no one can edit it but ME!!! The fever is gone (rats!) but I still have a pounding headache though. That is still very annoying. I'm not quite sure if I have to do work today, but I think I better, just in case. Because (apparently) my responsibility as a child (grrr, do I SOUND like a child?) is my education. And if I don't get on with it I'll still be studying when I'm 30 years old, and I'll never make anything out of myself. Well, according to my Dad that is. So this is like the place where I post all my thoughts on life, and stuff like that. Who's gonna read it anyways? I don't think any of my family will actually bother to check it. Not that I blame them, I mean I don't exactly, how do say it? Hit it off, with my cousins. I would go into details, about my cousins, but just in case one of my family members actually decides t read this, I shall refrain from uttering another word about my cousins. (For now at least, hehe.) I was just thinking all my depressing thoughts about my youth group. We've been through lots of stuff together, then suddenly my Dad slammed it into my face that we're gonna fall apart. Not because we're a bad group or anything, it just 'cause they're all old. I'm the youngest, in all my circles of friends. So yeah. Like Sam, (One of my youth friends) is 23, in like 2 years he'll go off and get a job, then he'll be too busy. Cheryl, and Pearly, (Two more of my youth) are going to turn 17 next year, so they're gonna leave and go overseas to study, or something like that. Jean & Soon Seng, are 19 and 18, respectively, so in like 2 years, they're going to leave as well. That leave's guess who? All alone? Hmmm? Who?!?! ME!!! ALL ALONE!!!! See? Pretty morbid right? But basically, (and realistically) that's what's gonnna happen. If any of you youth are reading this, don't you agree. I mean, Fabian will get really busy. And who else really bothers to come? Joewin, is 16 next year, he's gonna take his S.A.Ts. so who does that leave. Me!! I can be a one man youth group. Yay!!! Can you imagine me going like, "Lets start worship, is everyone here?" then I run to the other side of the room and scream, "Yeah we're all here!!". Like OMG how pathetic is that? I'll tell you, it's so pathetic, its undescribably pathetic. Which, by the way, is a description, but still, a very undescribable description. I know, I shall...nevermind. My youth group breaking up sucks,
But Hey,
Life's Like That...I know, I know


Hey, I'm back to writing my Blog. The past few days were so busy that I didn't really even have time to eat properly. And that sucks because now I'm sick. My throat is dry, my head is aching, and I have a fever. I don't like being sick. Anyway, back to normal news (sort of). So what happened so far? Well, on Sunday we did the play "Who Rolled The Stone Away" for 1st and second service. The 1st service people weren't so receptive (don't ask me why, the play was great) and we (the Youth) kinda got discouraged but the 2nd service people at least laughed at the parts where they were supposed to laugh, even if they didn't really enjoy the play. But if you really wanna read my thoughts on these events read the Blog at this is the site for my Youth group. Why am I writing this as if strangers are gonna read it? Oh yeah, I'm gonna email my family to read it. Hehehe. I wrote another poem, but I'm still debating whether or not to post it here. It's rather dark and depressing. And it doesn't have a happy ending. Really, I was contemplating on replacing my Diary with this Blog, but Diarys are much more private, and your parents aren't supposed to be allowed to read them. HAHA. It's really annoying though, I can't figure out how to post pictures on my Blog. Anyways I think this Blog is a good way to rant and rave about things, I mean where else can you post your stuff for free, where people won't read it and laugh. Are you laughing? Let me rephrase that. Where people aren't supposed to read it and laugh. I wonder if anybody will actually read this Blog. It's rather interesting to ponder things, wouldn't you agree my dear Watson? OK so umm.... I think I'll type a joke here, just to sorta, you know, lighten the mood of this Blog a bit. Lemme see....ok here goes, I got this one off a short clip I watched about an online game I play called Runescape. Alright.
Q: Why don't blind men skydive?
A: Because it scares the heck out of the dogs!
*Crickets chirping* *Cheep!* *Cheep!* Ok, ok I can take a hint. You don't like my jokes, FINE!! BE THAT WAY, I'll just go find someone who can rreally appreciate my humor. *Humph!* Hehe. Just kidding, I bet THAT was funny, huh? No? *Sigh* ok then, I shall gracefully admit my defeat. I mean, you can't win them all, right?
But Hey,
Life's Like That...You Betcha It Is!!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

A Poem...

I Sit Up In My Bed And Think

I sit up in my bed and think,
Of times that have gone by,
Of joy and pain, wind and rain,
Dead kings and where they lie,

I sit up in my bed and think,
Of this pain inside my heart,
This hollow feeling in my breast,
Like I'm being ripped apart,

I sit up in my bed and think,
"My life is such a mess,"
I can't seem to get my head on straight,
Is this some kind of test?

I sit up in my bed and hope,
It won't always be this way,
One day someone will come to save me,
To spirit me away,

I sit up in my bed and hope,
One day I'll reach the light,
'Cause right now I'm lost in the dark,
My dreams are under blight,

I sit up in my bed and know,
It's gonna be alright,
Because my God is here beside me,
And I'm perfect in HIS sight!

Whaddya think? Profound or WHAT?? Like it? Want me to write one for you? E-mail me at :-D

Saturday, March 26, 2005


Welcome to the ravings of a deranged 14 year old. Ever felt that life was just a crappy phase you had to go through? That nothing you ever did was good enough for anyone? Thats how I feel everyday. Right now I'm stuck in church with a deranged psycho freak of a person. Haha, sounds like fun huh? Basically now I'm trying to piece the broken shards of my life back together. My feds (parents) say it's just hormones, whaddya think? I don't think it is. I gotta go and choreograph a dance now. For the freak of a person hehe. Don't know why he can't figure it out himself without me, but hey, like I said, Life's like that...
And so, until the next uber (super) depressing post, goodbye.